
In addition to medications used to address addiction, therapy is also crucial to recovery. Since addiction is a disease that is influenced by multiple factors and affects all areas of your life, we find that treatment is most successful when we utilize a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach.

Addiction treatment programs utilize group, individual, and family therapy sessions to achieve the following goals:

  • Provide education about the multi-faceted dimensions of the disease of addiction (physical/biological, mental/psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual).

  • Provide education and coaching to develop healthy coping and relapse prevention skills.

  • Increase motivation for treatment and recovery.

  • Identify and treat underlying mental health issues or other stressors contributing to ongoing substance abuse.

  • Identify personal goals and work to remove obstacles to completion of goals.

Family Therapy

At ALANA Recovery, we witness first-hand the devastation that substance abuse can have on the entire family. Addiction is a condition that affects not just the individual, but almost everyone in their life. Therefore, our program offers Family Therapy services to loved ones learning to cope with family or significant others in all stages of recovery.

When appropriate, an individual therapist will contact a client’s family within their first week of admission to introduce themselves and discuss the participant’s individualized treatment plan surrounding family involvement. Family sessions will be held by appointment when deemed necessary by a client’s therapist, or per the client’s request. Since all of Alana’s clients are adults, the decision to pursue family therapy will be encouraged, but ultimately determined by a client’s desire to engage support systems.

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